I am a software engineer in the Architectures and Performance Group (APG) since July 2020. My research interests include neuromorphic computing, high-performance computing, heterogeneous computing, computer architectures, embedded systems, and high-speed communication. See my staff profile for more information.
Recent posts
Paper Writing—How to Take Smart Notes
This is the slide deck to a presentation I gave on Paper Writing—How to Take Smart Notes to APG at ORNL.
Personal Knowledge Base and Productivity Presentation
In October last year, I gave a presentation to the my group at ORNL on my productivity/notetaking/engineering-notebook system. Another word for this system i...
ASCR Workshop on Reimagining Codesign Whitepaper
My whitepaper titled Emerging Heterogeneous Systems Provide Great Opportunities for Codesign for the ASCR Workshop on Reimagining Codesign was accepted.
PhD Dissertation and Artifacts Available
My dissertation titled SNACC: The Scaled-up Neuromorphic Array Communications Controller is now available at
A Review of Spiking Neuromorphic Hardware Communication Systems
Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Dean, James S. Plank, and Garrett S. Rose