Aaron Reed Young, PhD
- Software Engineer, Future Technologies Group, ORNL
- Email: youngar@ornl.gov
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, PhD in Computer Engineering, Fall 2017–Fall 2020, GPA: 4.0. Advisor: Dr. Mark E. Dean.
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Fall 2016–Summer 2017, GPA: 4.0. Advisor: Dr. Mark E. Dean.
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, Chancellor’s Honors Program, EECS Honors. Fall 2012–Spring 2016, GPA: 4.0.
- Engineering in London Study Abroad Program: Spent five weeks in London earning six University of Tennessee engineering credit hours, June 2013.
- Hardin Valley Academy, Knoxville, Tennessee, High School Diploma, May 2012. GPA: 4.38 / 4.0. Received college credit for AP classes.
Work Experience
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, TN
- July 2020–Present: Software Engineer with the Future Technologies Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- January 2016–May 2020: Research with the TENNLab Neuromorphic Computing Research Group. See Research for more information.
- August 2016–August 2017: Graduate teaching assistant for Dr. James S. Plank. Assisted with the following classes by leading lab sections, grading labs and helping students: COSC 302 Data Structures and Algorithms II, COSC 360 Systems Programming, and COSC 494 Advanced Programming and Algorithms.
Garmin International, Inc., Olathe, KS
- Summer 2015: On the Aviation Software-Navigation Library Team. Improved the Navigation Library by revising requirements, making changes to the code base, and creating new test cases.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, Knoxville, TN
- Summer 2014: Programmed slicing engine for use with ORNL’s two large-scale additive manufacturing machines using C++ and C#. Software was used to print the world’s first 3D printed car.
Siemens Medical Systems, Knoxville, TN
Summer 2013: Implemented embedded system control software using MQX RTOS on an ARM9 processor. Development included interfacing with GPIO, I²C, SPI, CANopen, RS-323, and Ethernet. Embedded software supported interfacing to LEDs, LCD, FPGA, Temperature and Humidity sensors, EEPROM, DACs, SFP+, and a Power Controller. Designed a C# testing interface to communicate with the processor over TCP/IP.
Summer 2012: Designed a system using an Altera Stratix IV FPGA development board to read data from two TI 1 GHz ADCs. Developed a NIOS II FPGA soft-core running µC/OS-II using Quartus II. Designed a C# application to interface with the development board using UDP/IP.
Summer 2011: Used C# and ASP.NET to develop a database-driven website to keep track of employee’s tasks. Learned and utilized LINQ to access the SQL database records.
- Bodenheimer Fellowship Recipient, August 2016–Present.
- Top Collegiate Scholar, College of Engineering, The University of Tennessee, May 2016.
- Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee, December 2015.
- Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee, December 2014.
- Outstanding Computer Engineering Junior, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee, December 2013.
- Min H. Kao Electrical and Computer Engineering Scholarship Recipient, 2013–2015.
- Alcoa—College of Engineering Study Abroad Fellowship, 2013.
- Tau Beta Pi, The Engineering Honor Society, 2013.
Programming Languages
Bash, C, C#, C++, Chisel, CSS, G-code HTML, Java, Javascript, MPI, OpenGL, OpenMP, Perl, PHP, Python, SKILL, SQL, SystemVerilog, Tcl, VHDL
ASP.NET, Django, Jekyll
GTK, Keras, NumPy, OpenGL, pandas, SciPy, TensorFlow
CANopen, I\(^2\)C, Infiniband, LDAP, RS-323, SPI, TCP/IP